I've been browsing on Newgrounds for a while and I have thing to point out about the rating because oh god, I have things to say
First, I absolutely love how it works and the idea isn't that bad when you think about it, it gives you a sort of idea of what you might see, but here's where comes problems with that :
You don't know what would be in it even if you know it's rated as Teen or Mature for example,
Like I literally saw a borderline suggestive art rated as Teen like???
And Mature is pretty blurry, because I've seen art rated as Mature just because it was pretty gorey, I don't get it 😔😔
So yeah, this kinda makes me feel insecure when browsing which is, well not a cool experience 👍💦
I just hope the rating is maybe being work on or moderated? But honestly I do not think moderation would be a possibility because of how many content is being upload a day, it's probably impossible I'm aware
But just, I don't know, make a warning when clicking on a art? Like something : "Warning : this content is rated as Teen/Mature because this art contains [insert the contents]", you could even put a "add custom warning" for the creator so they can explicitly say what's on their art if none of the displayed contents fits!
It would honestly be easier and would avoid falling into things we don't want to see,,,
I probably look like a baby who is scared of everything but I honestly think this is something to bring on (╥﹏╥) /srs
I moved here from Twitter because of that, I'm a bit tired to get triggered because of this lol